why choose us


Win win cooperation

Through decades of independent development and practice by enterprise’s technological advantage. Our company gradually worked out a set of the integration model from the reflective material production to the production of reflective vest.greatly reduced the cost of product. Our company has great competitive power in safety protection area.

Learn More About Us

  • Production process We have perfect and first-class production process ,Strict quality inspection system to ensure good product quality.
  • our service Providing customized hot selling products to meet the international standards for different regional customers.
  • Enterprise advantage ZhongKe was established in 2003, Zhongke is the Largest Manufacturer of reflective vest in North of Yangtze River. 20 years professional manufacturer of safety clothing.
  • Global service We have already passed the factory inspection by T.I.C and the inspection of goods by SGS and Asia quality focus.

Our partner

Win win cooperation

Our company has established friendly cooperative relations with many well-known enterprises

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